Development of the handling of fragile and conflicting evidence in primary school

Developmental and educational research findings indicate a serious lack of understanding of scientific information among students, but also some early competencies. In the present project the basic cognitive prerequisites for the adequate handling of empirical evidence in the primary and early secondary school age will be investigated. The basic assumption is that stochastic concepts for developing the ability to interpret scientific evidence are of particular importance. In a first section the stochastic development of understanding and evaluation of empirical evidence related to each other and to methodologically comparable paradigms in the grades 2, 4 and 6 are investigated. Study 1 explores basic skills in dealing with fragile evidence, Study 2 focuses on dealing with conflicting evidence. The broad survey of cognitive correlates aims at better understanding the development of individual differences in the target skills. In further studies, the correlations between stochastic understanding and the understanding of scientific evidence in a combination of curricular intervention studies and a longitudinal study will be elucidated. From the project, the differential exploration of the early development and the basic requirements for the reception of scientific evidence is expected.


Koerber, S., Mayer, D., Osterhaus, C., Schwippert, K., & Sodian, B. (2015). The Development of Scientific Thinking in Elementary School: A Comprehensive Inventory. Child Development, 86(1), 327-336. doi: 10.1111/cdev.122981

Obersteiner, A., Bernhard, M., & Reiss, K. (2015). Primary school children’s strategies in solving contingency table problems: the role of intuition and inhibition. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47, 825–836.

Sandoval, W. A., Sodian, B., Koerber, S., & Wong, J. (2014). Developing children’s early competencies to engage with science. Educational Psychologist, 49(2), 139-152. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2014.917589

Reiss, K., Lindmeier, A. M., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2013). Developing problem solving skills in elementary school. The case of data analysis and probability. In Y. Li (Hrsg.). Mathematical proficiency and beliefs in teaching and learning – learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Törner. Sense.

Sodian, B., & Koerber, S. (2011). Hypothesenprüfung und Evidenzevaluation im Grundschulalter. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 39(1), 21-34.

Ufer, S., Lindmeier, A. & Reiss, K. (2011). Würfel oder Kugel? Entscheidungsstrategien systematisieren und vergleichen. Mathematik lehren, 168, 18–22.

Conference Contributions:


Reiss, K. & Bernhard, M. (2015, August). Fostering elementary school students abilities in judging the association of two binary variables. In B. Sodian (Chair), Scientific Reasoning in Kindergarten and Elementary School Children. Symposium to be conducted at the 16. EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

Saffran, A., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2015, August). Effects of graphical versus numerical representations on covariation data analysis. In B. Sodian (Chair), Scientific Reasoning in Kindergarten and Elementary School Children. Symposium to be conducted at the 16. EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

Saffran, A., Barchfeld, P., Sodian, B. & Alibali W. M. (2015, March). Analysis of covariation data in children and adults – symmetry of variables effects. Poster to be presented at the SRCD 2015 conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Sodian, B. (2015, January). The development of scientific reasoning. In F. Fischer (Chair), Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation, Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Munich Center of the Learning Sciences, Munich, Germany.

Sodian, B. (2014, Februar). Die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit zum Umgang mit fragiler und  konfligierender wissenschaftlicher Evidenz im Grundschulalter. Vortrag am Lehrstuhl für Mathematikdidaktik, Universität Essen.

Barchfeld, P., Saffran, A., Sodian, B., Bernhard, M. & Reiss, K. (2013). Elementary school children’s inductive reasoning in the evaluation of contingency tables. In Proceedings of the 15. EARLI Conference. Munich, Germany: EARLI.

Bernhard, M., & Reiss, K. (2013). Stochastik im Grundschulalter: Strategien bei der Analyse von Vierfeldertafeln. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2013 (Bd. 1, S. 124-127).

Bernhard, M., Saffran, A., Barchfeld, P., Reiss, K. & Sodian, B. (2013). Inductive reasoning at elementary school age – the influence of context domains on covariation tasks. In Proceedings of the 15. EARLI Conference. Munich, Germany: EARLI.

Saffran, A., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2013, August). Concept of sample representativeness from childhood to adulthood. Paper presented at the JURE 2013 conference, Munich, Germany.

Lindmeier, A., Reiss, K., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2012). Make your choice – students’ early abilities to compare probabilities of events in an urn-context. In T.-Y. Tso (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Bd. 3, S. 161–168). Taipei (Taiwan): PME.

Lindmeier, A., Reiss, K., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2012). Mit welcher Karte gewinne ich eher? Fähigkeiten zum Vergleich von Wahrscheinlichkeiten in den Jahrgangsstufen 4 und 6. In M. Kleine & M. Ludwig (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2012 (Bd. 2, S. 553–556). Münster: WTM.

Lindmeier, A., Reiss, K., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2012). Elementary students’ abilities to evaluate uncertain data presented as contingency tables: Basic understanding, the influence of context and numerical data integration. In Proceedings of the Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver (Canada).

Barchfeld, P., Lindmeier, A., Ufer, S., Reiss, K. & Sodian, B. (2011). Elementary school children’s probability concepts and their intuitive strategy use in the evaluation of contingency tables. In Proceedings of the 14. EARLI Conference. Exeter: EARLI.

Lindmeier, A., Reiss, K., Ufer, S., Barchfeld, P. & Sodian, B. (2011). Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Evidenz in den Jahrgangsstufen 2, 4 und 6: Stochastische Basiskonzepte und Kontingenztafelanalyse. In R. Haug & L. Holzäpfel (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2011 (S. 547–550). Münster: WTM.

Reiss, K., Barchfeld, P., Lindmeier, A., Sodian, B. & Ufer, S. (2011). Interpreting scientific evidence: Primary students’ understanding of base rates and contingency tables. In B. Ubuz (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Bd. 4, S. 33–40). Ankara (Turkey): PME.

Sodian, B., Reiss, K., Barchfeld, P., Lindmeier, A. & Ufer, S. (2010). Dateninterpretation und  Evaluation von Evidenz aus alltagsnahen Kontexten bei Grundschülern. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, 2010.

Ufer, S., Lindmeier, A. & Reiss, K. (2010). Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten der Evidenzevaluation bei Zweit- bis Sechstklässlern. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, 2010.

Applicant 1

Prof. Dr. Beate Sodian
Ludwig Maximilians Universität-München
Department Psychologie
Leopoldstr. 13
80802 München
089- 21805155

Forschungsschwerpunkte/-interessen (englisch /deutsch)
Develpment of theory of mind/ Entwicklung der Theory of mind, Development of scientific reasoning / Entwicklung des wissenschaftlichen Denkens

Applicant 2

Reiss, Kristina Prof. Dr.
Technische Universität München, School of Education
Heinz Nixdorf-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik
Schellingstr. 33
80799 München
089 289 25399

Forschungsschwerpunkte/-interessen (englisch /deutsch)
Mathematical Competence and Development of mathematical competence / Mathematische Kompetenz und mathematische Kompetenzentwicklung


Staff 1

Barchfeld, Petra Dr.
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
Department Psychologie
Leopoldstr. 13
80802 München
Tel.:+49 089 21805163

Forschungsschwerpunkte/-interessen (englisch /deutsch)
Development of scientific reasoning / Entwicklung des wissenschaftlichen Denkens, ADHD / ADHS, Developmental diagnostic methods / Entwicklungsdiagniostik

Staff 2

Bernhard, Matthias
TU München
TUM School of Education
Heinz Nixdorf-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik
Schellingstraße 33
80799 München
Tel.:+49 892 8923718

Staff 3

Saffran, Andrea, Dipl.-Psy.
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
Department Psychologie
Leopoldstr. 13
80802 München
Tel.:+49 089 21805163



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